Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Matter Changes State: lesson 2

Name: Meghan Anderson                                    Date: 12/01/12
Grade: 4th                                                            Subject Area: Science

Content Standard/Benchmark:
4.1.8 Changes in states of matter. Students demonstrate that the processes of heating and cooling can change matter from one state to another.
4.2.1 Students research answers to science questions and present findings through appropriate means.
4.2.4 Students properly use safety equipment and recognize hazards and safety symbols while practicing standard safety procedures. 

Rationale for lesson: I will be teaching this lesson to students because they need to know the difference between the states of matter and be able to identify a solid, liquid, and gas. Students will be traveling to the local science museum where they will be observing demonstrations on changes in matter. They will also use this day to gather research and ideas for their presentations at the end of the unit. This will enhance their basic knowledge of liquids, solids, and gases, allowing students to engage in hands on experiments.

Lesson Objectives:
  • Students will be able to describe the different states of matter.
  • Students will be able to list the different ways matter can changes states.
 Links to Prior Knowledge and Experience: Students will need to be familiar with solids, liquids, and gases, and be able to give examples of each. They will also need to use what they have learned in class through activities, handouts, and slideshows, during the demonstrations.

Language Demands: Solid, Liquid, State, Matter, Gas.

Assessment: Students will be keeping journals of what they noticed throughout the demonstrations. They will document anything they learned, the different processes they witnessed, and the steps taken in each process. They will also record any questions they have in these journals. These will be turned in after the trip for me to view. 

Differentation/Modification/Scaffolding: We would have a handicap accessible bus for the field trip if necessary. I would also bring a para along on the trip to assist any special needs students. This para would be available to students for assistance with understanding of demonstrations and different displays around the museum. They would also assist in keeping students on track and making sure they are focused on what they are supposed to be doing. Students would also be paired in groups to allow for peer mentoring. 

Materials: Science journals, writing utensils, (optional) technology to record demonstrations for reference, access to computers, transportation. 

Instruction/Learning Sequence/Syntax: The class will take a field trip to the local Science Zone Museum. When we arrive at the museum I will explain behavior that is expected of students. I will also explain that students need to record any questions, thoughts, and demonstrations in their journals. Drawings of the demonstrations would be a good thing to add in journals. Students will then be split into groups of 5. Groups must stick together. We will then decide a time to meet back together to leave. Guides at the museum will then give a short presentation of the museums specific rules and expectations. Students are then free to wander the museum with their small groups. Each group must visit each demonstration on changes in matter, they are then free to look at whatever interests them. Students must record each demonstration they view. They must also record any ideas or information they may need for their group presentations. Throughout the demonstrations students will observe how matter changes states in a variety of ways. They will also be assessed through a quiz on the different demonstrations and how the matter changed.
Closure: When back in the classroom students will take the quiz on the demonstrations and displays. They will then discuss what they observed, learned, and any ideas or theories they came up with. Students may also share their favorite displays or demonstrations.

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